Powershell usage for python learning

- 1 min


Powershell commands I used when learning Python.



cd ~\Documents\Github\Learn-py-hard-way
# cd ~: go back home
cd ex1
cd ..
# move up in the tree/path


ni $(1..52 | %{"ex$_\ex$_.py"}) -f

52 exercises in total. Create 52 empty .py files in 52 folds for each exercise. \

ni = New-Item
-f = -Force


ii ex1\ex1.py

Open ex1.py in defualt software (sublime).

ii = Invoke-Item


python -m pydoc sys

Get Python help file for sys.

-m: module


echo "A text file with some text" > ex1\ex1.txt
type ex1\ex1.txt

Create a text file with some text in it.

echo: Sends the specified objects to the next command in the pipeline.
type/more: print out the file

Zhijian Liu

Zhijian Liu

A foodaholic

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